Hyundai Santa Fe Paint Detailing – Paint Stone Chip Repair & Dura-Seal Ultra Coating

Paint Detailing + Chip Repair + Ultra Coating
Flat black cars require an extraordinary level of care when detailing the paint surface to restore that mirror-like finish. What’s more, many have a light coloured base cost that can significantly highlight any paint stone chips. As was the case with the flat back Hyundai Santa Fe, in need of removal of wash marks, fine swirls and paint stone chip repairs. To help protect all the hard work, the owner went for Dura-Seal Ultra ceramic paint protection. With its added gloss and depth enhancing technologies Ultra provides a long-lasting hard-wearing high-gloss finish.
Our focus on vehicles like this is to respect the clear coat while working to provide the best possible longterm look and ease of care. It’s in the details that our automotive paint detailing service stands out.
Application Performed In | Hamilton

Paint Chips – Detailing – Ceramic Coating
The Process
Full decontamination cleaning and paint detailing with focus on reducing and removal of clear coat scratches. Apply paint into the stone chips and remove the excess paint to leave a smooth repaired paint chip. Finished with high-gloss ceramic coating
- Clean the vehicle with an emulsifying cleaner
- Full paint surface detailing and scratch removal
- Paint stone chip repairs
- Apply Dura-Seal Ultra Ceramic Coating
Full Commitment
Our approved applicators are respected for their commitment to providing the best results.
Firstly, they prepare the paint surface. Fully removing all environmental contamination. This allows them to work directly with the vehicles clear coat. Secondly, assess the depth of the scratch and thickness of the clear coat. is there room to move and create a visually appealing repair.
Thirdly, in the case of this vehicle. Heat the clear coat and stitch the scratch, melting the clear coat in the scratch. Visually very difficult to detect. And best done by a professional. Other options include filling the scratch with a colour matched repair and smooth the edge of the filled area to make it more optically appealing.
Various techniques are used to check and recheck the finish to ensure the defects have been rectified. If you would like the best treatment on your vehicle feel free to contact us.
There is hope
A quality cut polish, paint detailing can remove these fine lines. Followed up with a ceramic coating to help reduce occurrences can provide for years of shiny reflective paint.
If your favourite car’s an appreciating classic admired by many or it’s an everyday traveler, you can feel confident in knowing that the our approved applicators have been there, caring for the vehicles we work on as if they were their own. Our processes are designed to help improve and maintain the integrity of the factory finish while protecting and enhancing the look and feel.
Coating & After Care
Application of Dura-Seal Ultra for easy-cleaning. Wash with a quality product like Optimum ONR and Opti-Clean. Ensure that you wash the vehicle when its cool to the touch and always fully dry the vehicle off. Drying off the vehicle elminates mineral water-spotitng.